
According to me the poor people in our country are helpful enough and the best part is at least they don’t harm others. From my experience , in 2009 I had an accident at Dhaka and found there were almost 50 to 60 people around the vehicle. They did not come only to see but […]

Are we really human!!!

Human is called the most intelligent living creature on Earth. Maybe we are intelligent but do we have the quality called humanity in us? Ask yourself. Make a list of what good you have done to others and then make of what bad you have done. About 85% of us will find that the number […]

My thoughts!

I just wish people could understand one small thing, Religion is for life ,life is not for religion. But if I say this in public I will be abused then and there or maybe killed. In what kind of world are we living!!!! That’s really sad. It is a request to the Almighty, you made […]

I am …….!

I have found many Muslims in our country saying, hindu’s place is India and all those if it is so then they Hindus can also say muslim’s country is Pakistan. Go to Pakistan. But my saying is Bangladesh is not a country for Muslims or a country for Hindus its is our country. Hindus and […]

Almighty has enough power to save himself.

It is us who have made divisions not the all mighty. Its a request to all those who says they kill people in order to save their God. Listen God has made the whole universe, if you believe so much in God stop killing people, all living creatures are creation of the almighty. Stop killing […]

Can We Fight Against The Duplicate Islamists!

Islam is a religion of peace and unity. But some extremists are using the name of Islam to do all horrific activities. Its an urge for rise, let’s stand against this so called Islamists. They are nothing more than savages. Bangladesh have lost many of its talents and if we can’t stop them the death […]

Thaba Baba’s fear made them kill the man..

Thaba Baba, one of the most active blogger of Bangladesh was kill because they were afraid of him. Killing bloggers does not mean that the bloggers are weak. It shows how strong they are that to stop them one need to kill them. This is for them: if you feel that killing bloggers will make […]

Bangladesh have lost!

This is regarding the murder of Ananta,Bangladeshi blogger. Do you know the reason for his murder? He had to give his life only because he was a revolutionist. I the people behind his murder think that they have won it is a message to them : Son of a Bitch you have not won, rather […]